Wisdom Fills the Void

2003 February

Created by lblout 11 years ago
Mom died in January. We were to have met up in San Francisco the following month to welcome a baby together – my first grandchild, her second great-grandchild. I spoke to Auntie about this at Mom’s funeral: “I need you. I need a mom.” A month later, I was sitting on the couch, holding the most astonishing little bundle of human being - Alex, 3 days old - and sobbing my heart out. Auntie sat right close to me. She said, “You know what is going on, don’t you?” I said, ”No, I don’t,” waiting for the analysis of delayed grief, subconscious fears, whatever. She said “You’re in love,” ... that’s all she said. Oh yes, Auntie, you were so right; that’s exactly the wonderful way a grandmother feels at that moment…it’s “just” being in love. Thanks for filling in; no one could have done it better.
